The essence of spiritual practice is awakening to our original wisdom, beyond the confining delusions of our cultural conditioning. An essential foundation of this awakening is practicing mindfulness and compassion. Join Dr. Will Tuttle, a former Zen monk and Buddhist practitioner for over 40 years, in an exploration into the connections between spiritual practice and our daily lives, focusing especially on Buddhist practices that can clarify our awareness and positively affect our relationships.
Dr. Will Tuttle, an award-winning writer, pianist, and composer, has presented widely throughout North America and worldwide. Author of the best-selling book The World Peace Diet, as well as six other books, he has also taught college courses in mythology, philosophy, humanities, comparative religion, and creativity. His Ph.D. dissertation in education from the University of California, Berkeley, focused on educating intuition in adults. A Dharma Master in the Zen tradition, he has done intensive training in Korea, and has practiced meditation for 50 years. He and his spouse Madeleine, a visionary artist from Switzerland, are devoted to promoting healing and awakening through spiritual education and uplifting original piano music and art.