Flowers for All

This Sunday we will celebrate once again our special UU ritual of the Flower Communion. Created over 100 years ago by a Czech Unitarian minister, this ritual is part of most UU churches' calendars. It's a meaningful time to remind us of our connections to all that surrounds us.

The Flower Communion is a unique Unitarian Universalist celebration.   At UUCL, we hold this ritual usually in May, often to coincide with Mother's Day.  Every member of the congregation is asked to bring a flower(s) to a common table.  The flowers are "blessed" to remind us of our interconnectedness with each other, with the world at large, and with creation itself. Then, each person is asked to come to the flower table and select a blossom to take home with them.

Our annual Flower Communion will be held this year on Sunday, May 12th.  Please plan to attend this special event.