We are living through a time that stretches the limits of sanity. Way too much war, hatred, vain posturing, finger pointing, and what appears to be an utter and complete lack of mutual respect. The theme for the month is presence, and we have been given this gorgeous, wonderful quote from Maya Angelou: “If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing that you can do is be present in the present. Gratefully.” But just exactly what is present in the present and how do we stay present when it is raining so hard both literally and metaphorically? Bob Dylan predicted, "A hard rain's gonna fall," and son of a gun if he wasn't right. Maybe staying present will be a lifeboat. Maybe it will keep us between the ditches.
The dog in this photo had just known me for about five minutes, but he could tell I wasn't going anywhere to evoke another Bob Dylan song. He got a long nap in my lap.